Pattys-photos: It's a leaner
Pattys-photos: Bannack Montana ghost town
Pattys-photos: Bonanza Idaho
Pattys-photos: the picket fence community
Pattys-photos: the abandoned farm
Pattys-photos: gotta see to pee
Pattys-photos: occupied
Pattys-photos: Atlanta Idaho
Pattys-photos: the pink door
Pattys-photos: Pingree Idaho
Pattys-photos: little outhouse on the prarie
Pattys-photos: when ya gotta go and can't !
Pattys-photos: Hollister-Idaho
Pattys-photos: Hollister-Idaho
Pattys-photos: The Outhouse
Pattys-photos: Room with a view
Pattys-photos: Nevada City Montana
Pattys-photos: shown by appointment
Pattys-photos: outhouse
Pattys-photos: outhouse
Pattys-photos: outhouse
Pattys-photos: St.-Mary's-Mission Stevensville Montana
Pattys-photos: the abandoned farm
Pattys-photos: look at all the fun junk !
Pattys-photos: Gibbonsville Idaho
Pattys-photos: Gibbonsville Idaho