djozcouple16: trailing claws.....
djozcouple16: gliding so smoothly......
djozcouple16: Into the shadows........
djozcouple16: Large Egret......"Egretta alba"
djozcouple16: Large Egret......"Egretta alba"
djozcouple16: White Faced Heron.....
djozcouple16: White Faced Heron.....
djozcouple16: White Faced Heron.....
djozcouple16: White-Faced Heron......
djozcouple16: White Faced-Heron....
djozcouple16: hunting.....
djozcouple16: hunting.....
djozcouple16: hunting.....
djozcouple16: dinner.....
djozcouple16: hunting....
djozcouple16: dinner....
djozcouple16: dinner......
djozcouple16: Another wader.....
djozcouple16: Cattle Egret....
djozcouple16: Cattle Egret....
djozcouple16: Hmmm....he is persistent.
djozcouple16: White-Faced Heron....
djozcouple16: safe at last..... :-)
djozcouple16: Off into the distance....
djozcouple16: Large Egret.....
djozcouple16: patrolling......
djozcouple16: the fisherman.......
djozcouple16: the fisherman.......
djozcouple16: the fisherman.......
djozcouple16: Little Egret......