Lights in my hometown: Out of Service
Lights in my hometown: The Ghost of Morrell's
Lights in my hometown: Old gas station on Highway 5, Plano, Texas (1978 view)
Lights in my hometown: Lincolnville Motel, neon and bulbs detail
Lights in my hometown: Wickfield Sales Pavilion - 3
Lights in my hometown: Time for Pepsi - Quincy, Illinois
Lights in my hometown: Macon Drive In, abandoned - 1 - Sign is gone now : (
Lights in my hometown: Travelier Motel - Macon, Missouri - 1
Lights in my hometown: Skelly - Macon, Missouri
Lights in my hometown: We've come to the end of our broadcast day . . .
Lights in my hometown: Shortcut through the alley
Lights in my hometown: BNSF in Batavia, Iowa
Lights in my hometown: Painted ladies - Edina, Missouri
Lights in my hometown: Abandoned church - Mt. Moriah, Missouri
Lights in my hometown: American jobs lost: Sheaffer Pens - Ft. Madison, Iowa - 1
Lights in my hometown: Operating steam
Lights in my hometown: Delta Grocery
Lights in my hometown: Hedrick Elevator
Lights in my hometown: The Saturday silence on Main Street
Lights in my hometown: Standing on the corner . . . for a very long time
Lights in my hometown: American For Sale
Lights in my hometown: Land O' Lakes Felco Elevator - Chariton, Iowa (3 of 3)
Lights in my hometown: World's largest Swedish coffee pot - Stanton, Iowa
Lights in my hometown: Still holding up the line
Lights in my hometown: No more ca-ching
Lights in my hometown: The waiting is the hardest part
Lights in my hometown: The Henschel
Lights in my hometown: Vitrolite in all its splendor!
Lights in my hometown: Small town grandeur - Corning, Iowa