Lights in my hometown:
Icing up
Lights in my hometown:
A December day fading away - Baring, Missouri
Lights in my hometown:
Long black train
Lights in my hometown:
The glow going down
Lights in my hometown:
The beauty of the bone
Lights in my hometown:
Winter's quiet at the elevator
Lights in my hometown:
Care for another frosty cold one?
Lights in my hometown:
Heavily frosted
Lights in my hometown:
In the depths of Winter, I finally learned . . .
Lights in my hometown:
Just like a tree that's planted by the water, I shall not be moved.
Lights in my hometown:
Main Street, cold and lonesome
Lights in my hometown:
Porch swing weather . . .
Lights in my hometown:
One long, lonely ribbon of color . . .
Lights in my hometown:
Winter afternoon glow on the Great River Road
Lights in my hometown:
Sunset on the Mississippi
Lights in my hometown:
The homeplace
Lights in my hometown:
Amish farm
Lights in my hometown:
A little white just seems so right
Lights in my hometown:
Isn't it a hopeful thing . . .
Lights in my hometown:
This morning I shot a road in my pajamas
Lights in my hometown:
Simple Gifts
Lights in my hometown:
One Lane Bridge revisited
Lights in my hometown:
And now for a little window music (2)
Lights in my hometown:
And now for a little window music (1)
Lights in my hometown:
I waited for you Winterlong
Lights in my hometown:
Try it once more with feeling
Lights in my hometown:
At last: The beautiful, right place for turning around