Lights in my hometown: Vintage neon - South Side Drugs
Lights in my hometown: Ford Hopkins Drug Store
Lights in my hometown: Would you like drugs with that tea?
Lights in my hometown: Vintage Hy-Vee neon sign
Lights in my hometown: Quilt shop and Ben Franklin
Lights in my hometown: Piper's Candy Store
Lights in my hometown: Ben Franklin - Centerville, Iowa
Lights in my hometown: Corner store and garage - Milton, Iowa
Lights in my hometown: Dana Bushong Jewelry
Lights in my hometown: Faeths Sporting Goods - Ft. Madison, Iowa
Lights in my hometown: Vintage Hy-Vee Food Store
Lights in my hometown: Another vintage Hy-Vee sign
Lights in my hometown: The Kresge building - Quincy, Illinois
Lights in my hometown: Vitrolite and Woolworth's - Ft. Madison, Iowa
Lights in my hometown: Small town ghosts - Seymour, Iowa
Lights in my hometown: Miller's Rexall Drugs sign
Lights in my hometown: Miller's Rexall Drugs
Lights in my hometown: Signs - Miller Rexall Drug - Macon, Missouri
Lights in my hometown: Miller Rexall's soda fountain
Lights in my hometown: You can depend on Rexall
Lights in my hometown: RCA Victor Radio & Television
Lights in my hometown: The Quality goes in before the name goes on.
Lights in my hometown: Let your fingers do the walking to Zenith
Lights in my hometown: We've come to the end of our broadcast day . . .
Lights in my hometown: Going home to die
Lights in my hometown: Rexall - Edina, Missouri
Lights in my hometown: Jewelry, gifts, patriotism and Vitrolite
Lights in my hometown: Men's clothing with Vitrolite and neon - Moberly, Missouri
Lights in my hometown: The business is gone, but the WELCOME mat's still out - 5