Stephanie LaGrant: Smiley Doggy
Stephanie LaGrant: Morgan's Heart Necklace
Stephanie LaGrant: They Might Be Twins
Stephanie LaGrant: Sparkles' Weiner Dog Shadow
Stephanie LaGrant: Sparkles Up Close
Stephanie LaGrant: Looking Up
Stephanie LaGrant: Monkey Bars
Stephanie LaGrant: Down the Slide
Stephanie LaGrant: Scary Looking Tree
Stephanie LaGrant: Matt Up Close
Stephanie LaGrant: Dead Bush Thing
Stephanie LaGrant: Tree Shadows on Shed
Stephanie LaGrant: Snowy Tree
Stephanie LaGrant: Flag With the Sun Shining Above It
Stephanie LaGrant: Diamond Jo Casino, I Think...
Stephanie LaGrant: Purple Stairs
Stephanie LaGrant: It's a Plant in a Vase!
Stephanie LaGrant: My Lonely Mitten
Stephanie LaGrant: Air Hockey Mover Thingy
Stephanie LaGrant: Marilyn Monroe
Stephanie LaGrant: Plant in My House
Stephanie LaGrant: It's Science!!!
Stephanie LaGrant: Plant in Bathroom
Stephanie LaGrant: Teddy Bear
Stephanie LaGrant: Side of My House