Nae 1971: black breasted buzzard Mt Dare
Nae 1971: mt dare red tailed black cocatoo
Nae 1971: Australian Hobby
Nae 1971: red tailed black cockatoo at Mt Dare
Nae 1971: at the end Busselton jetty
Nae 1971: farm beach Pelican
Nae 1971: Osprey in Leeman
Nae 1971: Hobby
Nae 1971: mating pair of Galahs
Nae 1971: mating pair red tailed black cockatoo
Nae 1971: finch's
Nae 1971: Hobby
Nae 1971: willy wag tail
Nae 1971: Corellas
Nae 1971: Corellas
Nae 1971: Corella
Nae 1971: Pat and Ians Trees near Charlotte Waters
Nae 1971: wind mill at Mt Dare
Nae 1971: sunset Mt Dare
Nae 1971: sunset Mt Dare
Nae 1971: Simpson Desert ( french line)
Nae 1971: Simpson Desert ( big Red)
Nae 1971: Simpson desert
Nae 1971: red tailed black cocatoo at sunset
Nae 1971: sunset at mt Dare