louise in northumberland: Bombus lucorum agg Queen
louise in northumberland: Bombus lucorum agg worker
louise in northumberland: Big cloud country
louise in northumberland: Bombus hortorum worker with pollen, very small indiv.
louise in northumberland: Bombus hortorum Queen
louise in northumberland: Bombus hortorum Queen
louise in northumberland: Bombus muscorum worker
louise in northumberland: Bombus muscorum worker
louise in northumberland: Bombus muscorum worker
louise in northumberland: Bombus muscorum worker
louise in northumberland: Bombus muscorum worker
louise in northumberland: Dolichovespula saxonica male (looks very diff to previous m)
louise in northumberland: Dolichovespula saxonica male (looks very diff to previous m)
louise in northumberland: Dolichovespula saxonica male (looks very diff to previous m)
louise in northumberland: Dolichovespula saxonica male (looks very diff to previous m)
louise in northumberland: Dolichovespula saxonica male
louise in northumberland: Dolichovespula saxonica male
louise in northumberland: Dolichovespula saxonica male
louise in northumberland: Common Twayblade
louise in northumberland: Common Twayblade
louise in northumberland: Common Twayblade
louise in northumberland: Platycheirus granditarsus male
louise in northumberland: Cheilosia illustrata female
louise in northumberland: Cheilosia illustrata female
louise in northumberland: Rhagio tringarius
louise in northumberland: Rhagio tringarius
louise in northumberland: Rhagio tringarius
louise in northumberland: Rhagio tringarius