louise in northumberland: Cantharis rustica?
louise in northumberland: hopper Cercopis vulnerata
louise in northumberland: Orange tip male
louise in northumberland: Darter - dragonfly nymph
louise in northumberland: 3 newts in pond
louise in northumberland: damsel fly adult just emerged # 6
louise in northumberland: damsel fly adult just emerged # 5
louise in northumberland: wet wings twisted # 7
louise in northumberland: damsel fly adult just emerged # 4
louise in northumberland: damsel fly adult just emerged # 3
louise in northumberland: another exuvae # 8
louise in northumberland: damsel fly adult just emerged # 2
louise in northumberland: damsel fly adult just emerged from last larval stage; exuvae to right # 1
louise in northumberland: Lasioglossum morio group female
louise in northumberland: Eupeodes sp. male
louise in northumberland: Osmia bicornis nest cells; eggs and larvae
louise in northumberland: Ptilinus pectinicornis?
louise in northumberland: Ptilinus pectinicornis?