Martial Mike: Christmas greetings from Botswana
Martial Mike: Delivery
Martial Mike: First flight
Martial Mike: Second chick
Martial Mike: Arrival
Martial Mike: Feeding time...
Martial Mike: Togetherness
Martial Mike: Checking the nest-site
Martial Mike: Sunday visitor
Martial Mike: Lilac-breasted Roller in our garden
Martial Mike: Good-bye 2011
Martial Mike: LBR at entrance hole
Martial Mike: Maiden flight
Martial Mike: The Cherry on the Top!!
Martial Mike: Another one bites the dust.........
Martial Mike: A drookit roller
Martial Mike: Mophane moth for brunch
Martial Mike: Feeding the four!
Martial Mike: The male
Martial Mike: One small leap....
Martial Mike: It ain't half hot.......
Martial Mike: Just rolled in again........
Martial Mike: A split second before take-off
Martial Mike: Tired of waiting for you.......
Martial Mike: How much longer?
Martial Mike: Still waiting
Martial Mike: Just leaving!
Martial Mike: Still deciding
Martial Mike: Home-hunters