S. Ruehlow: Grave of Jean-Baptiste Baron Regnault (1754-1829) - Painter and member of the Académie des beaux-arts - and his son Antoine Louis Baron Regnault (1788-1856) - Brigadier general
S. Ruehlow: Grave of Joseph Louis Duc (1802-1879) - Architect of the July Column and the Palais de Justice, Commander of the Legion of Honor and Member of the Académie des beaux-arts
S. Ruehlow: Grave of Louis Ernest Barrias (1841-1905) - Sculptor of the Beaux-Arts school - and his brother Felix Joseph Barrias (1822-1907) - Painter
S. Ruehlow: Cameo badge of Louis Ernest Barrias (1841-1905) - Sculptor of the Beaux-Arts school
S. Ruehlow: Eine indigene Amerikanerin säugt Bartholome de Las Casas mit Muttermilch
S. Ruehlow: Grab des Louis Hersent (1773-1860) - Zeichner, Lithograf und Maler