S. Ruehlow: Souvenir from an admirer: Picture of Renée before her mausoleum / "Muse of the Violets'"
S. Ruehlow: Epitaph of Renée Vivien [Pauline Mary Tarn] (1877-1909) - British poet and representative lesbian writer
S. Ruehlow: I was born under an unlucky star.
S. Ruehlow: ‏מיכאל‎ / ‏ميكائيل/ميكال‎ / Sankt Michael / Αρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ
S. Ruehlow: Mausoleum of Renée Vivien [Pauline Mary Tarn] (1877-1909) - British poet and representative lesbian writer
S. Ruehlow: Lintel of the mausoleum Tarn
S. Ruehlow: Memory to John Tarn (1846-1886) - Father of Renée Vivian