S. Ruehlow: Beautiful Sunset over the great Linguist
S. Ruehlow: Unsere liebe Frau vom Sonnenschein / Our Sunshine Lady
S. Ruehlow: Not the best place for a grave / Grave of Family Corardy
S. Ruehlow: Bust of Jane Henriot [Angela Jeanne Grossin] (1878-1900) - Actress / Died in the fire of the Comédie-Française
S. Ruehlow: Grave of Jane Henriot [Angela Jeanne Grossin] (1878-1900) - Actress / Died in the fire of the Comédie-Française
S. Ruehlow: The glass tomb of families Gauville and Langlois
S. Ruehlow: Tomb of Family Worms
S. Ruehlow: So I imagine a really old woman - grow old with dignity!
S. Ruehlow: Grave of Goffredo Count Galli (1840-1899) - Diploma, Italian consul in Philadelphia
S. Ruehlow: Tomb of family Fould (Fuld) / Jewish family from Bamberg