S. Ruehlow:
Main Gate to the Rural Cemetery
S. Ruehlow:
Chapel and Mourning hall of the Rural Cemetery Heiligenstock
S. Ruehlow:
Trauerhalle und Kapelle des Friedhofs
S. Ruehlow:
In this way are small houses for the dead, where they live until burial.
S. Ruehlow:
Way of the Houses of the Dead
S. Ruehlow:
Cross Art
S. Ruehlow:
The Field of Dreams
S. Ruehlow:
Stay here!
S. Ruehlow:
Love Letter
S. Ruehlow:
Garden bench in the Cemetery
S. Ruehlow:
She was an unfortunate colleague. I promised her, that I come back - after 13 years I've been redeemed.
S. Ruehlow:
Cemetery collection point for flowers
S. Ruehlow:
Trauerhalle des Parkfriedhofs
S. Ruehlow:
"Rasengräber - Blumenschmuck bitte hier ablegen"
S. Ruehlow:
Muslimisches Gräberfeld
S. Ruehlow:
Individuelle Grabgestaltung auf dem muslimischen Gräberfeld
S. Ruehlow:
Trauerhalle des Friedhofs