S. Ruehlow:
My grandmother made me in my childhood fear: Do not gulp the apple seeds. You could swallow you and then a tree grows from the navel. Until today I thought she was crazy! Perhaps this was the cause of death!
S. Ruehlow:
How Trees push Tombs
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Mathilde Maas, nee Stichel (1843-1916)
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Daniel Hirsch Springer (1776-?) - From Ansbach
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of G. Burt
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Stanislas Baudry (1777-1830) - Doctor, Colonel, Businessman, Inventor and Founder of the Omnibus in 1827
S. Ruehlow:
Bricked up Mausoleum of "AV"
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Josef Weiss (1923-1970)
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Abraham Mayer (?-1899) / American who died in Frankfurt
S. Ruehlow:
Old Mausoleums Part of the Pere Lachaise
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Carl Adolf May (1846-1878) - swallowed by the nature
S. Ruehlow:
Bessy only sleeping too deep and too long, so the Moss has cover her.
S. Ruehlow:
Unreadable tomb column with stone roses
S. Ruehlow:
Be at one with Nature
S. Ruehlow:
Hungry tree / Hungriger Baum
S. Ruehlow:
Pure Nature
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Lazarus Weil (?-1844) - Merchant
S. Ruehlow:
Das Loch in der Mauer / Grabsteine, dessen Standort duch die NS-Zeit nicht mehr genau bestimmt werden können
S. Ruehlow:
Forgotten Grave of Christ. Elisabeth Imhorst (1847-1903) and her Husband Jacob Joseph Petri (1839-1903)
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Daniel Hirsch Springer (1776-?/after 1828) / From Ansbach
S. Ruehlow:
My best friend, the tree. We have a very long friendship!
S. Ruehlow:
Unreadable Tombstone / Art made by Nature
S. Ruehlow:
The forgotten Grave
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Jacob Moselli (1799-1856) - Trader
S. Ruehlow:
Before he died, he swallowed an apple seed...
S. Ruehlow:
Grabstein von Miriam bat Meir, verheiratete Rost (Verstorben 1668) / Lebte in dem Haus, in dem Ludwig Börne geboren wurde
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Jannette Straus, nee Wohl (1788-1861) / Born in the jewish Ghetto of Frankfurt, died in the liberty
S. Ruehlow:
Extremely grave mossy cup
S. Ruehlow:
Grave stone base swallowed by a tree
S. Ruehlow:
Grabobelisk des Samuel Jeidels (1824-1862) - Handelsmann