S. Ruehlow:
Epitaph of Johann Justus Scherbius (1762-1827)
S. Ruehlow:
Epitaph of Johann Hieronymus von Glauburg, died 1727
S. Ruehlow:
Memorial plaque for Dr. phil. Georg August Zinn (1901-1976) - Lawyer, SPD-Member and Prime Minister of Hessia
S. Ruehlow:
Gravestone of Dominicus Martinus Carolus Franciscus Brentano (1769-1825)
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Dr. Artur Eulau (1878-1956) - Lawyer
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Dr. jur. Eugen Helfrich (1863-1924) - Lawyer and Notary - and Eugen Helfrich jun. (1894-1964) - Lawyer and Notary
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Alfons Militscher (1882-1971) - Lawyer and Notary
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Dr. jur. Eduard Baerwald (1875-1934) - Lawyer
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Dr. jur. Rudolf Ellinger (1867-1915) - Lawyer
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Dr. jur. Joe Oppenheimer (1865-1917) - Lawyer
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Dr. jur. Ludwig Heilbrunn (1870-1951) - Council of Justice and Lawyer
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Dr. jur. Kurt Wirth (1901-1974) - Lawyer, Notary and WWII Major
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Family de la Fontaine
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Dr. Siegfried Guggenheim (1873-1961)
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Carl Joseph Stephani (1755-1818) - Vice President of the Mainzer Upper Court
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. theol. h.c. Erich Molitor (1886-1963) - Law Professor and President of the Senat
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Dr. jur. Salomon Fuld (1825-1911) - Secret Council of Justice
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Fabian Ignaz Diel (1766-1806) - Justice of the peace
S. Ruehlow:
The mossy Scull
S. Ruehlow:
Back of the Tomb of Fabian Ignaz Diel (1766-1806) - Justice of the peace
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Fabian Ignaz Diel (1766-1806) - Justice of the peace
S. Ruehlow:
Silhouette of Fabian Ignaz Diel
S. Ruehlow:
Bust of Dr. jur. Julio Carrie (1857-1910) - Lawyer and Consul
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Dr. jur. Hermann Oelsner (1856-1923) - Judicial Council, Judge and Lawyer
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Dr. jur. Hermann Oelsner (1856-1923) - Judicial Council, Judge and Lawyer - and his Son Moritz Oelsner (1887-1910)
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Dr. jur. Peter Bartmann (1883-1964) - Lawyer, Bank manager and Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce (IHK) 1950-64
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Dr. jur. Ernst Scheinberger (1907-1975) - Lawyer
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Nathan Fraenkel (1861-1909) - Memory of Family Popper, who died in the Shoa / Dr. Siegfried Popper (1884-1944) - Lawyer, killed in Auschwitz
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Dr. jur. Salomon Fuld (1825-1911) - Judicial Council and Lawyer of Karl Marx
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Dr. jur. Albert Kallmann (1858-1934) - Council of Justice