S. Ruehlow:
Burial Ground for the Victims of the Nazis reign and the War of 1939-1945 (Soldiers, Bomb Victims, Forced Workers)
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Prof. Jurcis Elisonas (1889-1946) and Ona Elisoniem (1904-1949)
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb Stone of Ona Elisoniem (1904-1949)
S. Ruehlow:
Monument to the fallen Wiesbadener Butchers of WWI and WWII, and the Victims of the Nazi Reign
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Pehi Laszlo (Died 1946)
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Aleksanders [xxx] (1874-1945)
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Spoczywa Zbigniew-Kominkiewicz (1926-1946)
S. Ruehlow:
Gräberreihen auf dem Gräberfeld der Opfer des Naziterrors
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of an unknown Victim
S. Ruehlow:
Photographing against the Oblivion / Photographieren gegen das Vergessen
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Ursula Fiegert (1928-1944)
S. Ruehlow:
Monument to victims of the Dachau concentration camp
S. Ruehlow:
Ici reposent les cendres de femmes déportées martyres de la barbarie Nazie (1939-1945)
S. Ruehlow:
Monument for the female Victims of the Nazi Terror in the KZ Ravensbrück from 1939 to 1945
S. Ruehlow:
Those that are reminiscent of Rawa-Ruska (Memory of the Jews who were deported to the Belzec concentration camp and murdered)
S. Ruehlow:
Memorial to the Victims of the Reign of Terror 1793-94
S. Ruehlow:
Lakehurst Memorial to the Victims of the LZ 129 Hindenburg, who crashed 1937 in Lakehurst
S. Ruehlow:
Memorial to the Poles, who have given their lives in the war for France
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Alfred Dalberg (1854-1924) / Memorial to Sofie Katzenstein, Ella and Julius Freudenberger, who was deported by the Nazis and murdered
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Henri Villemin (1922-1959) - Flight Commander and Victim of the air explosion, in which President of the Central African Republic Barthelemy Boganda 1959 died
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Abraham Simon (1850–1944) - Teacher, Founder of a Jeschiwa, deported 1944 and murdred in Auschwitz by the Nazis - and his Wife Esther Goldschmidt (1854-1916)
S. Ruehlow:
The Book of Life of Abraham and Esther
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb Pyramid of Daniel Bouyjou-Cordier (1920-?) - Art collector, Historian and Resistance fighter against the Nazis
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Hermann Zuntz (16 years old) - Murdered by the Nazis, lived in the Frankfurter Nordend (Jahnstraße)
S. Ruehlow:
Grab von Jankel Morgenstern (1897-1942) - Kaufmann polnischer Herkunft - Deportiert 1942, ermordet in der Pflegeheilanstalt Bernburg, Asche 1942 bestattet in Frankfurt / Sein Stolperstein ist in der Fischerfeldstraße 16, Ffm zu finden.
S. Ruehlow:
Grab von David Morgenstern (1930-1942) - Angeblicher Suizid, bestattet neben seinem ermordeten Vater Jankel Morgenstern / Sein Stolperstein ist in der Fischerfeldstraße 16, Ffm zu finden.
S. Ruehlow:
Storyteller: Grave of Ida Katz, nee Levi (1866-1941)
S. Ruehlow:
Memorial for the Victims of the Assassination of Flight UTA-772 / DC-10 from Brazzaville to Paris 1989
S. Ruehlow:
Germania trauert um ihre gefallenen Söhne
S. Ruehlow:
Germania Denkmal auf dem Friedhof des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges 1870/71