S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Rose Grützner
S. Ruehlow:
Fürst Felix von Lichnowsky Memorial
S. Ruehlow:
Gedenkstein für die Gefallenen vom 18. Sept. 1848
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Dr. theol. jur. phil. med. h.c. Adolf Haeuser (1857-1938) - Industrialist and Director of Farbwerke Hoechst
S. Ruehlow:
The Stylite / Der Säulenheilige
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Prof. Dr. med. Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) - Chemist, Immunologist and Nobel laureate
S. Ruehlow:
Inseparably till death / Unzertrennlich bis in den Tod
S. Ruehlow:
Denkmal für das Zugunglück vom 8. November 1900 / Memorial for the Train crash of the Nov. 8, 1900
S. Ruehlow:
Vergessener Obelisk
S. Ruehlow:
Memorial for the dead french Soldier of 1870/71
S. Ruehlow:
Memorial (Forgotten for what)
S. Ruehlow:
The Mausoleum of the Angel
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Anna Elisabetha Pasini, nee Haussern (1757-1812)
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Ludwig Wilhelm Weidemann (1811-1905)
S. Ruehlow:
Your nation is my nation, your god is my god, where you died, I died also and there I would be buried.
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Isabella Sichel, nee Rothschild (1781-1861)
S. Ruehlow:
How Trees push Tombs
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Isaac Herzig
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Michael Daniel Bing (1840-1874) - Poet and Comedian
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Michael Daniel Bing (1840-1874) - Poet and Comedian
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Dr. Albert Linel (1833-1916) - Art Collector
S. Ruehlow:
Monument for the Fallen of the German-French War 1870-1871
S. Ruehlow:
Grave of Joseph Hirsch Burstein from Kiew (Died 1896) - Jewish Patriot
S. Ruehlow:
Monument of the french Fallen in the Prussian-French War 1870/71 in Paris
S. Ruehlow:
Mausoleum of Gheorghe III. Bibescu (1804-1873) - Romania Prince and Ruler of the Valachie
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Professor Guillaume Baron Dupuytren (1778-1835) - Physician and Surgeon
S. Ruehlow:
Cemetery can be a Prison
S. Ruehlow:
Monument: Aux travailleurs municipaux la ville de Paris
S. Ruehlow:
Monument: Aux travailleurs municipaux la ville de Paris
S. Ruehlow:
Tomb of Famille P. Legay