S. Ruehlow: The Angel of Mysticism
S. Ruehlow: Celtic Cross - Maincemetery Trier, Germany
S. Ruehlow: Sarcophagus of Pater Friedrich Spee SJ von Langenfeld (1591-1635) - Jesuit and poet / Spee was the first who condemned the persecution of witches and torture.
S. Ruehlow: Sarcophagus of Pater Friedrich Spee SJ von Langenfeld (1591-1635) - Jesuit and poet / Spee was the first who condemned the persecution of witches and torture.
S. Ruehlow: Old Tomb, Graveyard Trier - Germany
S. Ruehlow: Trauerhalle
S. Ruehlow: Monumentales Grab ohne Namen