PhilR2: B2A5C2B2-2655-4EF3-948E-D3DBC4143E79
PhilR2: 1977 Frigidaire Custom Deluxe range with an Electri-Clean oven.
PhilR2: 1977 Frigidaire Poppy refrigerator.
PhilR2: 1C17E6DF-5546-49ED-8EE2-81376A2A2FBE
PhilR2: IMG_2880
PhilR2: IMG_2308
PhilR2: IMG_2568
PhilR2: DA5FBFD5-173B-4E5A-985D-B6597FAEDF9D
PhilR2: IMG_2501
PhilR2: IMG_2504
PhilR2: IMG_2500
PhilR2: IMG_2499
PhilR2: IMG_2493
PhilR2: 1966 Frigidaire Imperial Frost-Proof refrigerator
PhilR2: 1966 Frigidaire Imperial Frost Proof refrigerator
PhilR2: 1965 Frigidaire Custom Imperial wall oven
PhilR2: 1968 Frigidaire Imperial top-loading dishwasher
PhilR2: IMG_0206
PhilR2: IMG_0193
PhilR2: IMG_0187
PhilR2: IMG_0132
PhilR2: IMG_0126
PhilR2: Getting ready for the a/c season!
PhilR2: Getting ready for the a/c season!
PhilR2: 1976 Frigidaire Custom Imperial washer
PhilR2: 3 speeds!
PhilR2: 1976 Frigidaire Custom Imperial WIC, last 3 speed model.
PhilR2: "Hand Washable" is the selection for the slowest speed.