niiicedave: Gumjuwac trailhead
niiicedave: Oregon Grape-berry
niiicedave: Pinesap - Monotropa hypopitys
niiicedave: Gumjuwac trailhead
niiicedave: Wild rose with bugs
niiicedave: Wild rose with no bugs
niiicedave: Wild rose thorny branches 1
niiicedave: Vancouveria hexandra -Northern Inside-Out Flower
niiicedave: Hoverfly
niiicedave: Trail moment - Garden of Eden
niiicedave: Mount Rainier and Mount Adams
niiicedave: Wildrose Stem
niiicedave: Mount Hood and Mount Hood Meadows from White River Sno-Park
niiicedave: Rubus parviflorus - thimbleberry, blackberry salmonberry etc
niiicedave: Groundsel with butterfly - could be a Great Spangled Fritillary
niiicedave: Groundsel 2
niiicedave: Arrowleaf Balsamroot
niiicedave: Gumjuwac over its 2.5 miles gains 1700 feet
niiicedave: The birds and the bees
niiicedave: Bugbane
niiicedave: Trail moment - The Throne
niiicedave: Trail Moment - rock outcrop and talus pile
niiicedave: Bugbanes
niiicedave: Trail Moment - the open picture window
niiicedave: 1500 feet over Oregon State Highway 35 (Hood River Valley Highway)
niiicedave: Looking toward Jean Lake Peak
niiicedave: On the eastern foothills to Mount Hood
niiicedave: A forest of tiny moss trees
niiicedave: A Natural Spring!
niiicedave: Gumjuwac hikers get greeted by this old sign at the summit