niiicedave: Bright Morning sun, Beargrass bloom - July 1, 2018 (Redo)
niiicedave: Mount Hood from Trillium Lake, 8 am PDT, June 29, 2018 (Redo)
niiicedave: Gnarled Western Red Cedar - August 8, 2018
niiicedave: Bald Eagle Scarecrows in Field - Willamette Valley Oregon 2018
niiicedave: An Oregon Beach in Winter
niiicedave: An Oregon Beach in Winter
niiicedave: Strange Looking Cormorant
niiicedave: Cascades Locks, Oregon - January 24, 2018
niiicedave: Central California Thicket
niiicedave: Dark Eyed Junco on light, brittle loud forest floor - every move they make goes CRUNCH
niiicedave: Drive
niiicedave: Milo McIver State Park - Estacada Oregon - January 4, 2018
niiicedave: Milo McIver State Park - Estacada Oregon - January 4, 2018
niiicedave: Above The Clouds (Timberline Parking Lot, Oregon, looking southeast)
niiicedave: Checking Schedule, January 26, 2018
niiicedave: Willamette Falls-Oregon City
niiicedave: Oregon City - January 31, 2018
niiicedave: Eagle Cutout Scene Jan 17 2018 revisited again
niiicedave: Timberline Lodge parking - January 26, 2018
niiicedave: Downtown Portland - February 3, 2018
niiicedave: Cascade Locks Ale House - February 28, 2018
niiicedave: Mom at John Day Painted Hills Oregon - March 7, 2018
niiicedave: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!! (August 8, 2018)
niiicedave: At the 80th Minute - sing "You Are My Sunshine" while holding up sunflowers - Because Portland is Weird
niiicedave: Nice Icicles - On mornings with warming sun, they break off and fall like daggers
niiicedave: Apple Jam x2™