niiicedave: IMGP7449 General's Highway Switcbacks hidden in foothill forest
niiicedave: IMGP7537 Sentinel Tree Giant Forest
niiicedave: IMGP7549 Sentinel Tree - Just Average
niiicedave: IMGP7552 Looking at the Sentinel
niiicedave: IMGP7555 Never can fit these trees in a shot!
niiicedave: IMGP7573 Giant Forest Museum - let's check it out
niiicedave: IMGP7576 Giant Forest Museum - let's go check it out
niiicedave: IMGP7578 Giant Forest Museum
niiicedave: IMGP7581 Giant Forest Museum
niiicedave: IMGP7584 Giant Forest Museum
niiicedave: IMGP7588 Giant Forest Museum
niiicedave: IMGP7590 Giant Forest Museum
niiicedave: IMGP7595 Giant Forest Museum
niiicedave: IMGP7609 Sentinel Tree
niiicedave: IMGP7614 Me And A Tree
niiicedave: IMGP7620 If You Ever Get Lost in the Woods
niiicedave: IMGP7635
niiicedave: IMGP7641 Sequoia Park Shuttle
niiicedave: IMGP7644 Sequoia Park Shuttle
niiicedave: IMGP7649 Sequoia Park Shuttle
niiicedave: IMGP7656 Sherman Tree Trail start
niiicedave: IMGP7659 Sugar Pines!
niiicedave: IMGP7661 Sugar Pines
niiicedave: IMGP7664 Sugar Pines
niiicedave: IMGP7674
niiicedave: IMGP7691 Boulders Rock On
niiicedave: IMGP7707 Brother Patrick, the king of the rock
niiicedave: IMGP7727 Sherman Tree Trail
niiicedave: IMGP7732 Brickwork
niiicedave: IMGP7739 Sherman Tree Awe