Juan Valentin, Images:
window display - meat packing district - nyc
Juan Valentin, Images:
is not easy to be a gentlemen...
Juan Valentin, Images:
position #169
Juan Valentin, Images:
nothing - nada - niente
Juan Valentin, Images:
adult swim - meat packing district - nyc
Juan Valentin, Images:
Standard Hotel - High Line - NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Standard Hotel - NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Standard Hotel - NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Standard Hotel - High Line - NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Standard Hotel - High Line - NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Standard Hotel - NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Standard Hotel - NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Gansevoort Street #2 - NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Meat Packing District - NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Gansevoort Street - NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Chelsea Market, NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Standard Hotel/High Line Park, NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Standard Hotel, NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Standard Hotel, NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Standard Hotel, NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Meat Packing District, NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Standard Hotel, NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Standard Hotel and the High Line Park, NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
high line/standard hotel - NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
ice skating ring @ the standard hotel - nyc
Juan Valentin, Images:
legs - chelsea market - nyc
Juan Valentin, Images:
stockings - chelsea market - nyc
Juan Valentin, Images:
Window display - Meat Packing District - NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
West 16th Street & Ninth Avenue - NYC
Juan Valentin, Images:
Ho Ho Ho...It's Sale Time!!! - Meat Packing District - NYC