Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park's December Nights - House of Spain - Food & other things here
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - House of Spain - some Food
Driven to Capture 2: House of Spain - Their Cottage
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - House of Spain - info at the door
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - House of Spain - door to Cottage
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - House of Scotland
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - House of England & (House of France in the middle) - the House of the Philippines
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - House of Norway (red flag with cross)
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - House of Sweden - Meatballs!! - here
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - House of Ireland & their Flag to right
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - inside the House of Ireland
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - More people after sunset - food & drinks @ the cottages
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - House of Denmark (Red & White Flag) & House of Norway a Man @ Door)
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - House of Denmark
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - House of Germany & House of Ireland
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - the Reindeer ready to pull Santa's sleigh
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - Rudolf Shines in the Lead
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - Rudolf chasing the Drone
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - Lily Pond - reflections
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - 3 sets of Cameras & People @ the Lily Pond
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - view to the Dr Seuss Christmas Tree - Old Globe area
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - Old Globe Theatre & Dr Seuss X-mas Tree
Driven to Capture 2: Balboa Park - Dr Seuss x-mas Tree top
Driven to Capture 2: Christmas in Spanish Village
Driven to Capture 2: Spanish Village - Poinsettia - easy to water here
Driven to Capture 2: Spanish Village - Nicely painted bench
Driven to Capture 2: Spanish Village - Art Glass
Driven to Capture 2: Spanish Village - Always great to go into the Sculptors Guild
Driven to Capture 2: Spanish Village - some things new