Driven to Capture 2: Coronado Car Show - Volvo 544 - nearly whole side
Driven to Capture 2: Coronado Cars - Volvo front
Driven to Capture 2: Coronado Cars - emblem & B18
Driven to Capture 2: Coronado Cars- Volvo front dash
Driven to Capture 2: Coronado Cars - Volvo sticker
Driven to Capture 2: Coronado Cars - Volvo - rear closer
Driven to Capture 2: Coronado Cars - Rear
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla Concours D'elegance - Sunbeam whole - blue
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla Cars - Sunbeam front angle
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla cars - Emblem
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla cars - Sunbeam - badges
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla cars - Sunbeam - Badge - British Invasion
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla Concour D'elegance - Toyota Land Cruiser
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla Cars - Toyota Land Cruiser - front
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla Cars - Toyota Land Cruiser - the Name
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla - VW Bus - whole - angle
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla - VW Bus - emblem
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla - VW Bus - Cove Bus
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla - VW Bus - side
Driven to Capture 2: El Cajon Cruise - Chevy Delivery 1950's - whole
Driven to Capture 2: El Cajon Cruise - Chevy Delivery 1950's - rear angle
Driven to Capture 2: El Cajon Cruise - Chevy Delivery 1950's - front
Driven to Capture 2: El Cajon Cruise - Chevy Delivery - angle
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla Concours D'elegance - red Land Rover
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla Cars - red Land Rover - front angle - axe on hood
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla Cars - red Land Rover - axe on hood
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla cars - Sunbeam Talbot - angle
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla cars - Sunbeam Talbot - emblem upclose
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla cars - Rear angle
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla cars - Packard 8 - whole