Driven to Capture 2:
El Cajon - sign over Main St
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El Cajon - downtown & lots of Clouds
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El Cajon - Water & New York Bakery sign
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El Cajon - Trees & Water
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El Cajon - Rocks & Water
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El Cajon - Fountain Pond & Ducks
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El Cajon - Performing Arts building & water feature
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El Cajon - Car's Long Shadows
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El Cajon - Red Light & the sun's going down
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El Cajon - Music on a Summer's Evening
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El Cajon - Drum Repair & open
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El Cajon - late light & listening to Music
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El Cajon - Music @ Sunset
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El Cajon - Motorcycle & Painted building
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El Cajon - One couple dancing to Music
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El Cajon - Guitar & Harp
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El Cajon - 2 Women with Crowns walking around
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El Cajon - Music & Line Dancing
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El Cajon - Music by Berkley (left) & Hart (right)
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Main Street Liquor - Racing Forms
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Thrift Store - window shots - red car & taxi
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Thrift Store - window shots - Dora & a Fire Truck
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Thrift Store - window shots - Road Runner lunch box
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Thrift Store - window shots - US Mail Truck - horse shoes & weed cutter
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Thrift Store - window shots - Braves soft ball
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Thrift Store - window shots - Drum Set & snow shoes
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La Mesa - for a year (or more) & no concrete
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Indian Art - old used record store wall
Driven to Capture 2:
Eagle & Wolf - old used record store art