Driven to Capture 2: ATM - Stop before you Leave
Driven to Capture 2: MTM Campo - old Bus north side of building
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - Campo - Fire Dept emblem
Driven to Capture 2: Motor Transport Museum - Austin radiator with Eagle
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - Sterling radiator
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - Federal Knight emblem on radiator
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - 1947 Mack fire truck - seal for Claremont, Cakifornia
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - 1947 Mack fire truck - right side door
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - 1947 Mack fire truck - whole
Driven to Capture 2: Julian Stage Lines - a 1924 Cadillac - the work of the Motor Transport Museum
Driven to Capture 2: Julian Stage Lines - front view
Driven to Capture 2: Julian Stage Line - Cadillac emblem
Driven to Capture 2: Julian Stage Line - front seat area
Driven to Capture 2: Julian Stage Line - the keys & dash board
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - 1947 Mack fire truck - Front & info
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - 1947 Mack fire truck - front hood
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - 1918 USA - Standard B Liberty Truck
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - 1918 USA & info
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - 1918 USA Truck
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - 1920 Mack Truck - whole
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - 1920 Mack Truck - emblem
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - 1920 Mack Truck info
Driven to Capture 2: Motor Transport Museum - 1920 Mack Truck - Plaque (EXPLORED)
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - 1920 Mack A C Truck - pulleys & brake & clutch pedals
Driven to Capture 2: Motor Transport Museum - Lady on Hood & Trail in back
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - Horns
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - Lady on Hood & rusty things in back
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - Kedd - Home of Boothill - Dodge City
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - their Ford Tuck
Driven to Capture 2: MTM - 1920 - Mack Truck - Steering Wheel