Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - Griffin Grill
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - the Band Played
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - the Card
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - World Record & I helped
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - Emblem
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - Student Services
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - Student Center
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College - Cultural Art
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - art on the table
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - Ceramic classroom
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - Ceramics
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - 2 pieces of Art
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont college 50th - Ceramic City 76
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - view Water Tower
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - Food Trucks
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College - Bitchen Burgers
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - The Road
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - Jack the Hero
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - Curiocity
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College - New Map needed
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th view Cowles Mt
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - Water Tower between Trees
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - Green House &Food Trucks
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - her e to sign the Card
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - relax in the Garden
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College 50th - the Walrus showed up
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College - Landscaping - Red rocks looked almost fake
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College - Landscaping
Driven to Capture 2: Grossmont College - the Tower thru Trees