Driven to Capture 2: Morena Bay Park - City Lights
Driven to Capture 2: La Jolla Shores - Dylan Rock Carving & Nature Adds to It
Driven to Capture 2: Barona Indian Reservation - Hotel - Gambling or is it Gaming
Driven to Capture 2: Mt Helix - Round Rotating House
Driven to Capture 2: Mexican Feather Grass, Japanese Blood Grass & Blue Fescue
Driven to Capture 2: La Mesa - Nan Couts Cottage
Driven to Capture 2: Old Car Swamp Cooler - Bon Aire
Driven to Capture 2: College Area - V W - Chopped - Explore
Driven to Capture 2: Loaf Love Tour - Tillamook - V W Bus Chopped
Driven to Capture 2: Del Cerro Community Park - Pool & Tennis Courts
Driven to Capture 2: Lakeside - Marshal Scotty's is No More
Driven to Capture 2: Chula Vista -Cinderella - Store for Quinceanera (15 years old) Latin American - Proms & Weddings