Driven to Capture 2: Green Flash - Chrystal Pier - Pacific Beach 6-6-11 @ 7:55 PM
Driven to Capture 2: Chrystal Pier - Green Flash @ Sunset's ending
Driven to Capture 2: Chrystal Pier - Sunset & reflections
Driven to Capture 2: Chrystal Pier Sunset light divided
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach - Sunset - Girl & Dog
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach - Chrystal Pier Sunset & Reflections
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach - Chrystal Pier - Bird & Sunset
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach - Sunset - Surfer walking
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach - Chrystal Pier Sunset
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach - 2 people & Chrystal Pier
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach - Waves hit Pylons - Back-lit
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach - Looking to South
Driven to Capture 2: Mission Beach - Green Flash Arches @ Sunset 1-14-11
Driven to Capture 2: Mission Beach - Green Flash Arches & Sunset
Driven to Capture 2: Mission Beach - Green Flash Arches - Sunset orange light
Driven to Capture 2: Belmont Park - Green Flash Arch - Colors Working for Sunset
Driven to Capture 2: Mission Beach - Green Flash Arch
Driven to Capture 2: Mission Beach - Green Flash _ What Happens
Driven to Capture 2: South Mission Beach - Basketball & Volley Ball on warm January Day
Driven to Capture 2: South Mission Beach - Girls Playing Volley Ball
Driven to Capture 2: Get it On Shop
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach Cars - Oldsmobile Woody & Denny's
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach Cars - Woody & Denny's
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach - Car Show - Denny's & Long Woody - at the West End
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach Cars - Chevy
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach - Chrystal Pier Hotel
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach Fire Station 21 - Steel Beam from Ground Zero
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach Fire Station 21 - Memorial to 9-11
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach Fire Station 21 - Flag Memorial 9-11
Driven to Capture 2: Pacific Beach Fire Station 21 - Tiki god