Drew Avery: Marattia Purpurescens
Drew Avery: Marattia Purpurescens
Drew Avery: Marattia Purpurescens
Drew Avery: Pteris adscensionis
Drew Avery: Pteris adscensionis
Drew Avery: Sporobolus caespitosus
Drew Avery: Sporobolus caespitosus
Drew Avery: Ascension spurge {Euphorbia origanoides}
Drew Avery: Ascension spurge {Euphorbia origanoides}
Drew Avery: Ascension spurge {Euphorbia origanoides}
Drew Avery: Ascension spurge {Euphorbia origanoides}
Drew Avery: Ascension spurge {Euphorbia origanoides}
Drew Avery: Unknown Plant 2
Drew Avery: Unknown Plant 2
Drew Avery: Unknown Plant 1
Drew Avery: Unknown Plant 1
Drew Avery: Unknown Plant 1
Drew Avery: Mother of Thousands (Mexican Hat Plant) {Kalanchoe diagremontiana}
Drew Avery: Ginger {Alpina zerumbet}
Drew Avery: Ginger {Alpina zerumbet}
Drew Avery: Mother of Thousands (Mexican Hat Plant) {Kalanchoe diagremontiana}
Drew Avery: Mother of Thousands (Mexican Hat Plant) {Kalanchoe diagremontiana}
Drew Avery: Ascension Lily {Hippeastrum Reginae}
Drew Avery: Ascension Lily {Hippeastrum Reginae}
Drew Avery: Ascension Lily {Hippeastrum Reginae}
Drew Avery: Mother of Thousands (Mexican Hat Plant) {Kalanchoe diagremontiana}
Drew Avery: Agave SP. {agave sisalana}
Drew Avery: Agave SP. {agave sisalana}
Drew Avery: Agava americana
Drew Avery: Agava americana