Bella Lisa: 80/115 Indulgence: Tufted Titmouse in the Bird Bath
Bella Lisa: What is it? Tufted Titmouse having a Bath!
Bella Lisa: 2 Scared Baby Tufted Titmouse- last to leave their nest!
Bella Lisa: 5/115 All the Fives
Bella Lisa: Pileated Woodpecker: My first ever spotting!
Bella Lisa: Red-Bellied Woodpecker in the trees
Bella Lisa: Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Bella Lisa: Tufted Titmouse
Bella Lisa: Carolina Chickadee
Bella Lisa: 25/30 Tufted Titmouse-Baeolophus bicolor
Bella Lisa: Carolina Chickdee
Bella Lisa: Downy Woodpecker eating peanut suet
Bella Lisa: Red Bellied Woodpecker
Bella Lisa: Tufted Titmouse eating a seed
Bella Lisa: Tufted Titmouse with Water Droplet
Bella Lisa: Miss Thing: Female Bluebird
Bella Lisa: 22/30 My 5 Baby Birds (Tufted Titmouse)
Bella Lisa: Bluebird in early evening (not great light)
Bella Lisa: Tufted Titmouse (could be the mom or dad to my nestlings!)
Bella Lisa: Northern Cardinal - female
Bella Lisa: White Breasted Nuthatch
Bella Lisa: White Breasted Nuthatch
Bella Lisa: Another Downy Woodpecker (he is at my house constantly now!)
Bella Lisa: White breasted nuthatch
Bella Lisa: American Goldfinch
Bella Lisa: American Goldfinch
Bella Lisa: 101/115 Mellow Yellow: American Goldfinch in Breeding colors
Bella Lisa: 21/30 American Goldfinch - male in breeding colors
Bella Lisa: Goldfinch
Bella Lisa: Downy Woodpecker