BlackBird Fly So High: oh He angry !! I run for life. lol
BlackBird Fly So High: I write to someone but I forgot what is say. huh shoot.
BlackBird Fly So High: 40321296835_d369c4a727_o
BlackBird Fly So High: I keep practice write my name in CJK when I was quite time.
BlackBird Fly So High: That my dog name MILO !!
BlackBird Fly So High: I meet 2 ladies and they come from China and come in USA for exchange student. So I ask them to write her name. i love watch how it write. It so LOVELY !!
BlackBird Fly So High: I worte that at work and share to everyone in my office worker.
BlackBird Fly So High: think about tattoo on me ?? too
BlackBird Fly So High: think about tattoo on me ???
BlackBird Fly So High: ohhhh YEAH !!!!
BlackBird Fly So High: be careful with small heart. :)
BlackBird Fly So High: My favor Aisan videos.
BlackBird Fly So High: my favor ski since 1977
BlackBird Fly So High: About "women" history of chenese
BlackBird Fly So High: learn one letter into many different just by few mark that make big different mean.
BlackBird Fly So High: huh not easy but fun !
BlackBird Fly So High: Learn Japanese read and write
BlackBird Fly So High: My Favor Bruce Lee Muscle lean !!
BlackBird Fly So High: My Names translate to....