Bennett Carlson: Lukens Lake
Bennett Carlson: Lance and John on the Ten Lakes Trail
Bennett Carlson: Ten Lakes Trail 2
Bennett Carlson: Ten Lakes Trail 3
Bennett Carlson: Intersection of Ten Lakes Trail and Grant Lakes Trail
Bennett Carlson: descending to the Ten Lakes area
Bennett Carlson: view of the lake where we'll camp
Bennett Carlson: Ten Lakes area panorama
Bennett Carlson: happy to be almost done with the day's hike
Bennett Carlson: on the switchbacks down to the Ten Lakes area
Bennett Carlson: lake panorama
Bennett Carlson: leaving the Ten Lakes on a day hike without packs
Bennett Carlson: Ben and Lance on our day hike
Bennett Carlson: one of the less-visited of the Ten Lakes
Bennett Carlson: On the May Lake Trail, looking toward Tuolumne Peak
Bennett Carlson: Nature boy
Bennett Carlson: shattered boulder
Bennett Carlson: off the trail, trekking back to camp
Bennett Carlson: bushwacking
Bennett Carlson: heading back down to the Ten Lakes
Bennett Carlson: Mt. Something
Bennett Carlson: Swimming
Bennett Carlson: Ant Island