Bennett Carlson: map of the cavern
Bennett Carlson: ready to enter... sweltering in our jumpsuits
Bennett Carlson: Enrique looks nervous
Bennett Carlson: 19th century graffiti (mostly names and dates)
Bennett Carlson: the entrance to the "womb room" is a narrow tube
Bennett Carlson: I preferred to enter feet-first
Bennett Carlson: NO, don't fart in the womb room!
Bennett Carlson: admiring the strange formations
Bennett Carlson: occasionally we had to crawl or slither
Bennett Carlson: starting to get muddy
Bennett Carlson: which way is up?
Bennett Carlson: stalactites
Bennett Carlson: ropes and platforms helped us through some tricky spots
Bennett Carlson: using a rope to avoid wading through waist-deep water
Bennett Carlson: skeleton sculpted out of mud
Bennett Carlson: handy raft to traverse small underground lake
Bennett Carlson: Philippe preferred to swim
Bennett Carlson: emerging from the lake, temporarily clean-ish
Bennett Carlson: heading back to the surface
Bennett Carlson: Braden endorses mud-slithering
Bennett Carlson: this frog near the surface was the only life we saw
Bennett Carlson: ready for the showers