Shanta KM: Quito
Shanta KM: Quito
Shanta KM: Quito
Shanta KM: Quito
Shanta KM: Quito
Shanta KM: Bellvista bedroom view
Shanta KM: IMGP4315
Shanta KM: 'Christmas decoration' beetles
Shanta KM: Caterpillar
Shanta KM: Turquoise Jay at Bella Vista
Shanta KM: Masked Trogon - female
Shanta KM: Cloud forest squirrel
Shanta KM: Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan
Shanta KM: Violet-tailed Sylph at Bella Vista
Shanta KM: Green Violetear hummingbird
Shanta KM: Buff-tailed Coronet at Bella Vista
Shanta KM: Buff-tailed Coronet at Bella Vista
Shanta KM: Purple-Throated Woodstar
Shanta KM: Booted Racket-tail - Male
Shanta KM: IMGP4648
Shanta KM: Shanti at Mirador Rio Blanco
Shanta KM: Cock of the Rock
Shanta KM: Crimson-rumped Toucanet
Shanta KM: Hill country behing Quito.
Shanta KM: Sword billed hummingbird
Shanta KM: Horse fly, in Yanacocha, Quito.