paspog: Grenade - Granada 405 Alhambra, Generalife
Del.Higgins: Fire Wave
jfielding: Cathedral Rock - Sedona, AZ
Del.Higgins: Sunset on the Lake
Del.Higgins: Athens lighthouse
wilsonlau2009: ROLLEIFLEX-PLANAR2.8F/ILFORD delta100
Del.Higgins: Rain with a View
jfielding: Manhattan Bridge
Del.Higgins: Crash in to Me.....
Del.Higgins: Waters Edge.
socalgal_64: Snowfall in Autumn
IzabelaNowak: Nostalgia
imagejoe: Spies !!!
Jim Patterson Photography: Passage of Time - Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe, Nevada
PatrickSmithPhotography: Bridge to Yerba Buena, San Francisco Bay Bridge, California
Shoot New York City: street spirit
DanielKHC: JBR Gold
u n c o m m o n: April Snapshot III