stekler: Are you looking at me?
stekler: Security
stekler: Taiko through the trees
stekler: Mikoshi
stekler: Entertainment in a parking garage
stekler: Two's a crowd
stekler: Parking garage entertainment
stekler: Mikoshi
stekler: High in the sky
stekler: Some privacy
stekler: Testing testing...
stekler: Leader of the pack
stekler: Getting crowded
stekler: Parade
stekler: Fashionable
stekler: Walking the old man
stekler: Presents for the gods
stekler: Nice terras
stekler: Yakitori under greenery
stekler: Steaming hot
stekler: Gotta catch 'm all
stekler: Passway
stekler: Nice lightning
stekler: Closeup
stekler: Energetic taikodrumming
stekler: Energetic taikodrumming
stekler: And he's off...
stekler: Lampions
stekler: Boy wearing tiny happi
stekler: Playing shadow bowling