helen_ba: Probably a Mother Shipton larva
helen_ba: DSCF3310 Stigmella Spinosissimae larva leaving the mine with the egg visible
helen_ba: Agrotis ripae larva Sand Dart
helen_ba: Probable Nutmeg larva
helen_ba: DSCN3928 Mullein caterpillar on Verbascum -Brownfield site
helen_ba: DSCF2514 Unknown larva-probable Dunbar
helen_ba: DSCF2690 Larva on Fool's parsley
helen_ba: Pine Beauty larva
helen_ba: 1840 and70.189Eupithecia subumbrata Shaded Pug larva
helen_ba: 170 Five Spot Burnet larva Zygaena trifolii
helen_ba: DSCN2152 Herald larva 1024
helen_ba: 1169 Gypsonoma dealbana habitation
helen_ba: Early Thorn larva on birch
helen_ba: 2404 Heliothis nubigera Eastern bordered Straw
helen_ba: 2404 Eastern bordered Straw larva Heliothis nubigera
helen_ba: Larva on yellow flower Cnephasia longana
helen_ba: Mottled Umber larva
helen_ba: Spectacle
helen_ba: 437 Swammerdamia caesiella
helen_ba: 1813 Haworth's pug larva
helen_ba: 2214 Chamomile Shark larva on bugloss
helen_ba: 1981 Poplar Hawk larva
helen_ba: 1980 Eyed Hawkmoth larva Smerinthus ocellata
helen_ba: 1864 Streak larva swept from broom Wanstead Flats
helen_ba: DSCF2134 WLH Larva on stem CCWen
helen_ba: Brindled pug larva from Harlech pupated 3.06.09
helen_ba: 1885 Abraxas sylvata Clouded Magpie Harlech
helen_ba: 815 Chrysoesthia sexgutella
helen_ba: 431 Yponomeuta sedella
helen_ba: Marbled Coronet larva