helen_ba: 1290 DSCN2403 Chilo phragmitella 700
helen_ba: 1293 Chrysoteuchia culmella 700
helen_ba: 1294 DSCN9703 Crambus pascuella 700
helen_ba: 1301 DSCN0586 Crambus lathoniellus 700
helen_ba: 1302 DSCN1419 Crambus perlella 700
helen_ba: 1302 and63.088 Crambus perlella warringtonellus
helen_ba: 1303 Agriphila selasella
helen_ba: 1303 Agriphila tristella
helen_ba: 1304 DSCN9384 Agriphila straminella 700
helen_ba: 1305 DSCN0805 Agriphila tristella 700
helen_ba: 1306 DSCN0184 Agriphila inquinatella 700
helen_ba: 1309 DSCN8465 Agriphila geniculea 800
helen_ba: 1313 DSCN9456 Catoptria pinella 1024
helen_ba: 1314 DSCN0348 Catoptria margarietella 700
helen_ba: 1316 DSCN0394 Catoptria falsella 700
helen_ba: 1316 and 63.102 Catoptria falsella
helen_ba: 1317 Catoptria verellus
helen_ba: 1320 Chrysocrambus craterellus
helen_ba: 1321 Thisanotia chrysonuchella
helen_ba: 1432 Anerastia lotella
helen_ba: 1432 Anerastia lotella
helen_ba: Beauty and the beast-Beautiful China Mark and Pine Weevil
helen_ba: Crambus lathoniellus
helen_ba: 1358and63.060 Evergestis pallidata
helen_ba: 1358and63.060 Evergestis pallidata
helen_ba: DSC_0020 Agriphila geniculea 768
helen_ba: Mother of Pearl
helen_ba: DSCF2840 Agriphila selasella collage 2
helen_ba: Euchromius bellus
helen_ba: Acrobasis obliqua