messaroo: Fudge
messaroo: kitty chat
messaroo: Frocious is in the mood for lurve. Too bad it interferes with my work!
messaroo: Taken with my new 50mm lens! Fro looks a little freaked out because he was just playing and then that blue feather totally got stuck in his mouth.
messaroo: Curious Kitten is curious
messaroo: curious furdge
messaroo: Me and Der Furdge on Christmas
messaroo: You got a little something on your lip there...
messaroo: Merry fucking Christmas from the cat. LOL
messaroo: My big fat Fudge
messaroo: Yellow cat with seriously fluffy butt
messaroo: Evil Boo demands to go outside
messaroo: Boo Bear nibbling my ear
messaroo: Boo Boo demands that you smell his butt
messaroo: Loviest kitteh evarrr
messaroo: Fuzzeh kitteh
messaroo: Der Furdge extreme closeup
messaroo: My "Frocious" animal
messaroo: Fudge got stuck to the blanket