Hypatia_PA: That said, my Santa has dropped a gift bomb on me that struck home today, so I guess I get to post this:
Hypatia_PA: The package inspected and opened by the gentle, loving blade of the Christmas Tribble reveals a blue bag and a note rendered unreadable by the flash on my camera.
Hypatia_PA: But a closer shot reveals that this is mearly package 1 of an unknown quantity gleaned from my Amazon Wish List
Hypatia_PA: Typically, I'd wait to determine how many packages where enroute, then open them all at once.
Hypatia_PA: And the great elder god has another season of Fringe to add to it's dread cyclopean throne...
Hypatia_PA: A note inside from Puzzle Santa
Hypatia_PA: Returned home and put Cthulhu to work. The Tribble's in trouble, it knows what it did.
Hypatia_PA: Took a roundabout way home to meet Tonya
Hypatia_PA: Gifted again through Steam by my Santa, @DyasAlure