Hypatia_PA: Relaxing time!
Hypatia_PA: It's delicious! I like the cayenne pepper it gives a nice kick. Looks like Axew can't hold his liquor very well though.
Hypatia_PA: They were completely out of limes. I had to settle for lime juice in a bottle from off the shelf.
Hypatia_PA: Alaskan Vodka and some really nice looking ginger beer! Axew can't wait to get TURNT! I see that the recipe calls for lime juice so I went to my store to find some limes and...
Hypatia_PA: Opening up the second box reveals this message. No worries Santa I was patient this year! Digging deeper and I find...
Hypatia_PA: First package contained a set for making and drinking russian mules! looks delicious and axew is looking a little to into it...
Hypatia_PA: No Pets so my plush axew will have to help me out here