Hypatia_PA: Bonus photo of the ornament on our appropriately small tree:
Hypatia_PA: Oh, and look what you hid at the bottom in a scarf. Clever ...
Hypatia_PA: Something we've seen here before rather recently ...
Hypatia_PA: The previously mentioned Solaire. It's so good.
Hypatia_PA: Home-made scarves for both of us, along with a 100% adorable Snoopy&Woodstock ornament!
Hypatia_PA: Pins, official Pinny Arcade and otherwise~
Hypatia_PA: A fine assortment of tea-related goodies!
Hypatia_PA: We ate some. Big Thunder isn't just my favourite name, but what a pleasant sweet!
Hypatia_PA: Well, there's a letter on top so I'm going to start there.
Hypatia_PA: Upon opening, I believe her exact words were "Oh my gosh."
Hypatia_PA: In moving it from the box to the coffee table, I can say this box is not light. I snag girlfriend's Windwaker Link to hide addresses.