When I cracked open the box I found a set of 3 smaller packages inside! I restrained myself long enough to take pictures and then started tearing into them.
Gift 1 had a nice little brain-teaser on the card.
It was a Himalayan Salt Block for Cooking! This thing is huge! I'd heard this was a thing, but I'd never looked into it too much.
Gift 2 had another hint. This one I figured out pretty quick. :)
A cookbook, of course!
Finally, Gift 3 had a quote I pretty much immediately recognized...(okay, not immediately...I had to shift gears a bit from salt. :) )
My own little Serenity! The best part is I got one of these a couple of years back from another G&T SS, but it got broken and I was sad. Now, I'm sad no more! This sucker is going straight onto my keychain!
Just to follow up to my post, I've now read about 3/4s of the cookbook and took the salt block out to view it in all it's glory! It's so majestic!
In addition, I've received an unexpected package containing a full set of solid metal gaming dice.
Salt Block Cooking Update:
What's this? ANOTHER package?
Next up was a bag of dark chocolate covered macadamia nuts. I've actually had these once before (on a trip to Hawaii) and they are as awesome as I remembered. These go on the "MINE" shelf. :)
Even MORE chocolate goodness! A HUGE sampler pack of chocolate covered dried cherries! I immediately broke one package open and tried the "Truffle Chocolate Cherries". So good! I might even get my kids to try fruit with these, assuming I deign to share.
And last was a pair of amazing looking chocolate bars in dark chocolate salted almond and milk chocolate varieties.
And here's the entire haul in all it's glory!
Ack! I got so wrapped up in the food I completely forgot about the flying monkey! I didn't get a picture of him, but here's a stock photo for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of being shot in the back of the head at work by one of these: