Hypatia_PA: I am a nincompoop that forgot to add one of his email accounts to his new Phone, so I didn't know that Santa had already left a gift in my digital Chimney, so to speak.
Hypatia_PA: Steam didn't tell me I had another gift pending from Santa until I looked just now!
Hypatia_PA: Previously unknown Santa strikes again!
Hypatia_PA: Mysteries from the UK, sweeeet!
Hypatia_PA: Wrapped packages with notes! Transcribed in the spoiler below if you can't read them from the image.
Hypatia_PA: Sweet unwrapped goodness! + previously received Pokemon Alpha Sapphire!
Hypatia_PA: Wind up Santa, Kinder chocolates (With Kinder Surprise!!!!!!!!) And songs from or possibly inspired by Wolfenstein
Hypatia_PA: Note revealing Santa as @Anarchy‌