Hypatia_PA: My santa sent me a message through the proxy elf there with a binary message at the end which ended up being a Prison Architect humble bundle key! Thanks Santa!
Hypatia_PA: My Santa strikes again!
Hypatia_PA: A Points card!
Hypatia_PA: A box!
Hypatia_PA: Let's crack that sucker open, hey look, smaller boxes!
Hypatia_PA: Don't worry Santa, I won't.
Hypatia_PA: Will do this tho!
Hypatia_PA: Glasses, nice big ones!
Hypatia_PA: And what are glasses without coasters? A mess that's what!
Hypatia_PA: The coasters
Hypatia_PA: The glasses on the coasters
Hypatia_PA: Another gift from @Mighty !