Hypatia_PA: Turns out the second package was for me! Now let's look back at the message I received yesterday:
Hypatia_PA: "Makka Pakka, Akka Wakka, Mikka Makka Moo" (Makka Pakka says he's going to open it in his stupid, stupid language with his stupid mouth)
Hypatia_PA: "Makka Pakka, Appa yakka, Ikka akka, ooo" (Makka Pakka says he's going to get the tube out of the box)
Hypatia_PA: And here's the description from the packaging:
Hypatia_PA: As pictures are mandatory, here are some from the start of each game (except SR4 which I haven't had chance to download in full yet, so I've replaced that with Tex Murphy from the HB).
Hypatia_PA: The opening cinematic of Dark Souls. I haven't dared play it properly yet, Demon's Souls consumed me (I imported the Asian version as soon as I heard about it on PS3).
Hypatia_PA: The opening cinematic of Dark Souls. I haven't dared play it properly yet, Demon's Souls consumed me (I imported the Asian version as soon as I heard about it on PS3).