Hypatia_PA: A swift slice with the pocket knife brought forth an amazing collection of gifts. Because my cats are both A) Whiny little bitches and 😎 unable to sit still for more than 10 seconds, Tachikoma was tasked with inspection and security.
Hypatia_PA: He takes his job very seriously.
Hypatia_PA: First cab off the rank is a massive hardcover collection of Powers, which a wee bit of investigation reveals as a Noir/Police Procedural with Superpower undertones. Something tells me I'm going to eat this up.
Hypatia_PA: Second was Volume One of Saga. I absolutely fucking loved Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughn, so I have high hopes for this as well.
Hypatia_PA: Third was a box of Chocolate Covered Pretzels, which my Santa tells me are local to his area and rather delectable. I can confirm - once opened, the box lasted all of about 30 minutes.
Hypatia_PA: Fourth was a Transformers Figurine, which Tachikoma inspected rather closely. More figures to go up on the shelf above my desk is never a bad thing.
Hypatia_PA: And finally, in the biggest box left for the end, is a MOTORIZED SKY-HOOK REPLICA AAAAAAAAH.